Wednesday, May 22, 2019

I thought that I would not bother to transplant anything this year, yet I could not refrain from doing so. The snapdragons I bought were put into some of the pots and containers at the corner of the cottage, making this area look pretty and homey. Andy came to cut the grass which had already quickly grown, thanks to the rain that we had last week. He also cleared the path to the little bridge leading to the blueberry patch, and he claims that the blueberry bushes look healthy and should produce many berries. Lija phoned from Los Angeles, the last time was from Arizona, so she and Gintas are always on the move. In essence, I do not keep track of people’s birthdays, although today was Lija’s birthday, tomorrow would have been my mother’s one hundred and twelfth birthday, had she been still living, and Friday it is Liudmila’s turn to celebrate. I shall soon put out a new Constant Contact concerning services for the month of June. If you know of someone who like to receive this form of notification, please send me their email address, assuming that you have their permission to do so.

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