Another hot day but cloudy so that we did not feel the sun’s rays beaming upon us. If I am not mistaken it is summer solstice and days will be gradually become shorter. I was proud of Vladika Lazar, for he filled out an invoice with his weaker right hand and the writing was legible. Jokingly, I said that it was not much worse than it had been at its very best in the past! He also walked into a shop to receive his free hearing aid batteries and walked back to the Jeep. Progress might be slow, but it is progressing. On our way back we stopped at the monument in the field where we picked some cherries from the ancient cherry tree. Two other cherry trees on the opposite side of the road also had cherries but they are up so high that we could not reach them. Ah, our own delicious cherries, and I immediately thought of Chekhov.