Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Andy drove Vladika Lazar to Abbotsford to buy a snow fence in preparation for this winter’s snow storms. There are about three troublesome spots on our monastery road where snow builds up into drifts that are impossible to pass. This year we had some of the tall grass cut on the opposite side of the road and now Andy will put up the fencing in three places. I had found snow fences on the internet but they turned out to be too frail, even thought the green colour would have been good. Instead of that, what we now have is bright orange, but at least sturdy and it might look nice in the snow. We received a parcel of booklets and cards from Vladimir in Japan in which there were booklets in both English and Russian about the Orthodox Church of Japan. There should be enough to put them up for sale as a small fund raiser. Vladimir is the man about whom I had written several weeks ago who was impressed with our modest monastery, its services and the people who attend. Vladika Lazar has been invited to speak at an international conference in Prague in 2020 on Orthodox psychotherapy. He might not be able to attend this conference, but it was a great honour to have had his knowledge in this field recognized internationally and to be invited.


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