This warm and sunny Indian Summer weather causes us to rejoice and to enjoy it before autumn really steps in. I wanted to take Vladika Lazar for a long ride [of course I was also thinking of myself] so we drove to Harrison Hot Springs, a prominent resort only about thirty five minutes away from the monastery. The drive there and back left us with the most wonderful impressions of this season. Although the leaves of the trees are not so brilliant as those of Eastern Canada, never the less, there was much gold, orange and red in the trees along the way. At one point we saw an immense farm of blueberries with the bushes coloured in dark red, and another variety in bright red. Cars were parked alongside the highway with people photographing this unbelievable sight. After we returned, Vladika spent some time in Mission where he is involved with therapy. While driving back to the monastery we both admired the distant mountains that were covered with a mauve haze which is common at this time of the year. In winter they are covered with gold and pink from the setting sun.

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