Sunday, April 7, 2019

Today’s feast of the Annunciation was celebrated with joy. It felt like “old times” with Vladika Lazar serving with Priest Alexey and Deacon Markel, while I sat on my walker next to the confession stand where people once again could come up for confession, the last couple of weeks having been difficult for me. It was good to have Xenia from Berlin with us and, closer to home, Dennis from Interior BC. After reading my diary entry last night near midnight, Natasha felt bad about what I had written concerning the loss of the tradition to bake dough larks, so she hurried and baked some so that the tradition was carried on. There seemed to be no idle moments, for Vladika gave his Meleti, a singing rehearsal was held and much more took place. Now, as bedtime is approaching, I feel so content and I thank Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother for allowing us to have such joy, especially on this most beautiful feast.

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