We had been promised a beautiful day and so it was. In fact it could not have been any better. It was sunny and warm, at times almost hot, with a few scattered cloud that made the main event of the day most pleasant. At the end of the Liturgy we set out on a Cross Procession with the bells ringing melodiously. Vladika Lazar was in front, riding on his electric scooter while I was given a lift in a car. As the cars coming from Vancouver were held up for almost half an hour due to an accident that held up the traffic, we enjoyed the shade of the trees along the Alley of Heroes. As soon as the entourage arrived, brief speeches were made followed by the singing of Memory Eternal for all those who had given up their lives in the Second World war and even later. A tree planting ceremony was next with two red maples and a lilac blush planted in memory of the fallen heroes. Many bouquets were left at the monument to these heroes and these flowers were brought into the church later in the day where they will thrive for a couple of weeks. The meal was more than abundant with enough to feed the large crowd and more left over for those who came later. A well known choir came to sing for us as did our faithful Lilia and Galina. Poetry was read and everyone was left with a feeling of joy which overshadowed the sadness of the loss of the fallen heroes. By early evening we were exhausted, or perhaps I am speaking mostly about myself. Many stated that they want this event to be a permanent one and they are already talking about which trees to plant next year.