Today has been a sunny and warm day, just right for the work party. Some people arrived before nine o’clock, while others came throughout the rest of the day. I have never seen the windows sparkle as they did today, floors wee scrubbed, washing done inside and outside, with a group in the kitchen preparing food for the workers. Others picked and hauled the broken limbs and branches, others worked with the chipper, grass was cut and much else was done. It was impressive to see everyone bustling about, cleaning our storage areas and all working so harmoniously. Bless all of them for the work done. Although Vladika Lazar was unable to cense the church during Vespers, he did all the litanies and it felt like “the good old days.” He used his motorized scooter to drive to church and back again. He plans on using the scooter to go to the monument tomorrow as well.

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