Andy warned me that it was chilly this morning, so I dressed accordingly by putting on a warm sweater and a warm cap, even though it is a short distance to walk from the cottage to the main building. Vladika Lazar did not feel well today so, for the first time in many months, he did not go to church. Meanwhile, Father Victor and Deacon Markel were already well into serving Matins and they continued to serve the Divine Liturgy without Vladika Lazar participating. The kliros was augmented by a few more singers who did well, considering they had only one rehearsal. They are taking their singing seriously and I am certain that it will improve. I appreciated having Father Victor with us as two people asked to have their cars blessed, and I would have found it chilly to have gone for the blessing. We also served an Akathist to Saint Panteleimon at which anyone who wished to participate was able to do some of the reading.