The voice of Larissa from Victoria was of help at the kliros both at Matins and Liturgy and we were happy to see her once again.  It appears that we will be without Vanya helping in the altar for a couple of months as he will be in Latvia together with most of the Lashkovs.  Because the Healing Service was to begin at four o’clock, many people just remained while others went for long walks.  When the service began we had with us Father Michael from the Holy Resurrection Sobor in Vancouver and Deacon Michael Ivanov with him, Father Matthew from the parish of the Holy Apostles in Chilliwack, Father Shio of the Georgian Church, Father Moses, Deacon Markel and, of course, Vladika Lazar and myself.  Spiritually speaking, I think that it was possibly the best Healing Service that we have yet had and we are grateful to all the people who came from all parts of the Fraser Valley. On the other hand we must thank all those who helped in preparing for this marvelous day, and for those who brought so much food, as Father Moses would say, enough to feed an army.  Many thanks to all and God bless you.

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