Saturday, January 26, 2019

This has been another perfectly warm day and our biggest surprise was the strong scent of the sarcococca that came from behind the holy well. At first I refused to believe that it could be the fragrant bush, as it does not open its tiny flowers until the end of February or the beginning of March, yet this powerful and rich scent is unmistakable. Yesterday I walked around, taking photos of some of the fall flowers, as well as the winter ones, including the very first violet of the year, and the kale and lovage in Vladika’s vegetable garden. Some men spent the entire day working on removing the small hot water heater from the kitchen that has not been working well, and also putting up false ceilings in the two washrooms and corridor near the library. Others brought us a medley of fruit, and still others prepared supper for those of us who were at Vespers and, as it often happens, others came in to join us for the meal, making it a most enjoyable time. Mimi, the little dog that was photographed sitting on my lap some time ago was here again. She is so well mannered and a joy to have as a visitor.

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