As some of you might have noticed, there were no diary entries for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday because our cables were cut by a huge gravel truck and when the repair truck arrived, it had only small house ladder that was of no use whatsoever. They then planned to come a day later but it was only this morning that all was normal again. It felt strange being cut off from the rest of the world, so to speak, not being able to use the computer. I was so accustomed to preparing an entry each evening that now I am almost at a loss for what to write, although I am sure that it will all come back quickly. We have had services each evening of this first week of Great Lent, with the reading of the Canon of Saint Ephraim the Syrian and the Presanctified Liturgies, both of which are truly inspiring. Andy has had workmen bringing loads of soil to widen the upper part of our monastery road, making it a two lane road up to the monument, after which the old single lane has been retained. Some people are already making plans to work on the interior of the main building, in addition to the kitchen renovation, and may God bless them for their enthusiasm. We will need volunteers to do gardening, including raking the lawns, carrying away broken branches, transplanting, and pruning. If you have a “green thumb” please volunteer to help.