Ordinarily, I would have thought that changing the time would prevent me from having any sound sleep but, on the contrary, I slept very soundly, even though it was somewhat of a struggle to get up when it was still dark, having had the advantage of rising to a sunny, or at least a light, morning. There were a number of things to keep in mind in church. Lambs for the two Presanctified Liturgies this week had to be prepared, and the many copies of the prayer of Saint Ephraim the Syrian were laid out to be used at the end of the service. The church gradually filled with worshippers and, after the prayer with its prostrations, we asked each other for forgiveness, the line growing longer until it turned into a coil. We all enjoyed a delicious meal, not ignoring the blini and the rich desserts that we will not be seeing for many weeks. There was a good response to the appeal for funds for the restoration programme that was explained last week.