Monday, February 18, 2019

Today is a public holiday in British Columbia—Family Day. I do not recall when it was introduced but it is popular, since it is always on a Monday, thus giving everyone a long weekend. Here at the monastery, it was scarcely noticed, although I am certain that most of our people were pleased to have observed it. The day was full of telephone calls and visits, the first call coming early in the morning from, of all places, Detroit. It was our Lija who had been stranded with Gintas in Nebraska for a couple of days due to the snow storms, then making it as far as Detroit. I hope that the rest of the trip back to Vancouver will be uneventful, as they must cross the Rocky Mountains where icy road conditions can be severe. You will be able to see the photo taken by Olga yesterday as she arrived at the monastery for Liturgy. We loved it and wanted to share it with all the readers. It is a marvelous winter scene and, although some of the snow has melted, we should be getting more tomorrow and also later in the week.

Image may contain: tree, sky, outdoor and nature

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