Some volunteers arrived early in the morning and immediately began working, while others came throughout the day. Windows were cleaned, floors washed, carpets steam cleaned and much, much more. We would like to thank all of them for giving up some of their free time and coming to help us here at the monastery, free time, I mentioned, because it is Good Friday and here in Canada, both Good Friday and Easter Monday are public holidays. We got a preview of the new tablecloths that will be put on all the tables in the hall, the kitchen, and the dining room. Very good, is my answer and I am certain that everyone else will agree with me. We had a memorial service in the afternoon and it was served in the old church, as the carpet in the new church was cleaned this morning and it was still damp in the afternoon. Attendance at the Presanctified Liturgy was inspiring and it was the last one to be served until Great Lent in 2020.