What a lovely day it has been with nature showing us its treasury of spring delights. The air, in particular, was filled with the scents of spring and of the surrounding forests. A few people came to help us, staying all day to complete larger projects that had been started earlier. The icon of the Theotokos was put up and framed in the altar and, I hope, a photo of it will be put up with this diary entry. Our holy well had remained in its original state for many years, but now it is located in a small outdoor “chapel” in which is located a large Romanian Troitsa, that is, a large wooden cross with an icon. A brass spigot is directly above a marble basin for people to fill their containers with the blessed water. We hope to bless it on Thomas Sunday. Now that we have a supply of palm and pussy willow branches, we are ready for the feast of the Entry of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. By the way, our “granny” Svetlana Vasilievna, phoned a while ago from Volgograd and asked us to convey her greetings and love to everyone.
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