Whenever I bake a prosphora, I like to be alone in the kitchen but today Father Sevastian was present to see how I made them. All went well until I was about a third way through with kneading the dough when I saw the yeast standing off to the side. I had completely forgotten to add it to the dough, so what was to be done? I did add it, feeling that it would not be a success. I gave it an extra blessing as it went into the oven and, an hour later, it came out looking normal but only on Sunday will it become evident if it was successful and without any internal bubbles or cracks. We had a brief visit from a family that is divided among Canada, the US, Ukraine and Belize. The assortment of cheeses they brought was most interesting. Some men came to continue working, this time on the belfry which had never been completed. The belfry windows will have to be put up before the autumn rains begin.

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