This day has proved to be a hot and humid one. To be honest, I find it to be most uncomfortable and am dreading to think of what summer will be like!
Since today is the Eve of the Ascension Day feast, one of my tasks was to find the Ascension icon, set it up in the church and then decorate it. I scouted the yard for greenery which grows in abundance, and collected a small bag for the icon. Then I found some beautiful, deep red carnations and thought that they would show nicely amongst the greenery. After setting up the icon, then had to get the rest of the church ready: loading the lampadas, getting the thermos for the hot water, searching for another monitor since the festal Liturgy will be broadcast by way of Youtube or Zoom, finding the feast day service, checking the Apostol reading and the tropar for the feast.
Since I haven’t sewn for a few days, hope to return to the little sewing machine and complete work on my shirt repairs. Before doing so, let me pass on the greeting for the last time, “Christ is Risen!”