Our weather has not yet changed but, even so, I had to make a trip into town and ignore the heat.
Before making the trip, I received a call from Archbishop Lazar, requesting that I bring a copy of the English language Gospel Book which contains the readings for the entire year, in proper sequence. This he wanted in order to check the dates and Gospel readings for the calendar that he is presently preparing for the year 2021.
Thankfully, Andy volunteered to take me into town, so he, “the girls” (9 and 5) and I went into town. The book I had requested from the library had finally arrived after 6 months and so I was called to come and collect it. At this time, library patrons are now allowed to collect their materials in two different ways. They can do it the original way when distancing began, by presenting their card and having a Librarian collect the material, then package it and place it on a cart for the patron to take. The other way is that the patron can enter the libraary, sanitize their hands after answering a questionnaire concerning their present health, then enter the left hand section where a cart has been set up and the requested materials arranged in order for the patrons to collect. Then the patron passes the check out desk (which is shielded with a plexiglas barrier) and a masked Librarian checks out the material in the traditional manner.
After the library, we then went to the grocery where I attempted to find non-wheat bread since I am now allowed to eat wheat, or rice, or potatoes, etc. Yes, I know, this is a long time to have such a restricted diet. I did, however find peanut butter on sale so bought a jar of it, along with a bag of trail mix. I also tried to find Himalayan pink salt but could not find it anywhere. Well, at least it was possible to accomplish a few chores in this formidable heat.
When all our chores were completed, Andy and I stopped by the drive thru at one of our favourite places, Burger King (no, I am not being paid to mention them but I do love their coffee!). We got fish sandwiches and their wonderful coffee and then returned to complete the remainder of the day.