I awoke early to find that both Vladika Lazar and I had new home care givers, at least for this week, after all it is Christmas for everyone who celebrate it today, ranging from rigid fundamentalists to atheists. My care giver was fairly efficient while Vladika’s seemed to be lost some of the time. Lija called us from Spain to tell us that Gintas was going to drop in for a short visit which he did, bringing delicious sweets. At the moment I am wearing a pair of hand knitted slippers with a double sole and not only are they warm but also comfortable, a gift which I shall treasure for a long time. There was a strange phone call from a woman who scolded me for what she claimed I had done. According to her I had served a funeral for a woman who was her ex husband’s ex wife or some such complicated relationship. She berated me for not getting papers and documents from the dead woman to prove that she was baptized. I listened patiently and tried to reason with her but to no avail, so that in the end I had to wish her Godspeed and to hang up. Needless to say, we do get strange calls from time to time, some of which are absolutely incomprehensible such as this one which seemed to be anti Semitic as well. If anything else, such calls keep us on our toes. Vladika Lazar went for a long walk this afternoon which certainly must show that his health is improving, even if it is rather slow.

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