A nurse, who specializes in foot care, came in the morning to look after Vladika and me since both of us cannot tend to our feet properly. She is a sweet and kind older woman with thirty years of nursing experience and, after each visit, our feet feel significantly better. She told us that she and her husband came to examine our property when it was put up for sale more than twenty five years ago. She regrets not having bought the property then, but apparently it was meant for us to have. People have been phoning us to say how hot it is where they live. We also experienced the heat but most of the time there was a slightly refreshing breeze to comfort us. Yesterday Andy finished mowing the lower half of the east field, the one that had not been touched for a couple of years. Only the few remaining blueberry bushes have been left intact, and it will not be long before we venture out into the field to begin berry picking.