There was no time to waste this morning, as I had an early appointment with my specialist in whose office I had to wait an hour and a half before he could see me. Apparently there are some red flags waiving concerning my health and so I asked him if he thought that I might be gone soon. He replied that he would try to keep me going for a few years more, say five, or six, or even seven, and I thought to myself, “Is that all?” without realizing that I would already be in my nineties. And so, I must make the most of each day before the last one arrives. Vladika Lazar bought a gas powered pump so that the lower garden and the upper flower beds could be watered with water pumped from the stream instead of using hoses to overtax the water pump in the main building. It turned out to be a hot day, which meant that I had to water the geraniums, marigolds and other flowers here in front of the cottage, and it was then that I realized that all summer I would have to water them once, or even twice, a day, but that will be good exercise for me. Father Vasili left for the airport to return to Florida. This was one visit when he did not have to feel chilled or cold as he often feels when he visits us in winter.