I went to the Insurance Corporation Of British Columbia to get my driver’s licence renewed for another five years and this time I was able to apply for a single card with both the licence and the personal services card with my own personal health number which I would use whenever visiting a doctor or a hospital.  It was a simple procedure and in less than fifteen minutes it was completed. It would have taken less time but, because of the long weekend, there were more people than usual.  What a surprise it was to hear a knock on the door and to see James Ely walk in.  He came with his wife Yulia and we were delighted, not having had a visit for four years.  There was nothing to treat them with other than some vegetarian vareniki but the visit was more important than the food.  Many years ago when he lived with us for some time, he made a wooden coffin which ended up in my bedroom where it is to this very day.  I am not sure if I can fit into it after I die, so perhaps I should try to lose more weight. The roof of the gate house chapel is being replaced as it began to rot after some twenty five years and, what a coincidence it was, since James is the one who originally made it.

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