Thursday, January 31, 2019

Soon after I arose this morning, I could hear an odd sound, as if someone was tossing lumber off a pickup and, when I ventured out to see for myself, it was pallets being stacked for future use in storing chopped wood to keep it off the ground. This is an excellent idea because here, in winter, the ground is wet and what we want is to have wood that is dry. As a matter of fact, someone is lighting a fire in the stove in the hall at this very moment in preparation for the meeting of members of Narcotics Anonymous. We drove to Mission for Vladika to have his exercise therapy, then we went on to Abbotsford where I went to the Cancer Agency pharmacy to pick up the medication I have to take with myself when I see the specialist next week. This brings me to the middle of the treatment, so after this injection, I will have only one more in early summer. After that I should be cured and, if not, then it will be Plan B, or Plan C or who knows what. Meanwhile, I am enjoying life perhaps more than ever before, knowing full well, that I cannot endure forever.
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