This will not be the last time that I will inform you about a power outage in our neighbourhood, such as the one we had last night. After all these years, we still have not become accustomed to them, nor shall we ever. If one could find a silver lining to this episode, it would be that it at least did not last long. Thanks to Andy, the generator was in operation in a matter of minutes and we could carry on as before, but in an abridged version. Halycia and Gurdeep, our morning and afternoon home care givers filled us in with what was taking place in the outside world, in other words, nothing much has changed. However,we must get at least a few copies of the 2020 church calendar printed before the weekend so that a few volunteers can collate the printed pages and covers later on Sunday because time is running out on us. Greetings to everyone from Lija in Spain, Granny and Galina in Russia, Kyril in Columbia, and others from various countries, most of whom will be returning before the Nativity season, just as others are heading out to favourite resorts in Cuba, Mexico and Aruba. At my age all I can do is to wish them “Godspeed” and hope that they will have some good photos to show upon their return.

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