It took a bit of thinking about which tables stood where in the hall, but I think that they eventually were returned to their proper positions. The carpet in the hall looks so fresh, while the one in the new church actually beams with new life. The two Natashas together with Georgy and Kyrill rushed about, doing as much as possible before returning home. I visited Vladika Lazar who was pleased with the number of visitors who came to see him. In the early evening, the Dimerbash family arrived with Turkish chiorba, a lentil and bean soup full of proteins, and Turkish olives. Needless to say that the food brought by Olga and Lija was also appreciated, it is just he cannot eat all that is brought for him. Kyrill has become somewhat of a handyman, having repaired my broken table, hanging icons, all the while walking about with hammer, screwdriver and drill, anxious to do the next job. He gave me a new and much larger monitor which impressed me greatly. Not only is it larger, but it also is easier on the eyes.