Monday, September 07, 2020

Today proved to be a rather quiet holiday, which was good because often Sunday can be a busy time and frequently exhausting. Often this means, needing a day with which to recover and that day is Monday. Besides being our day to recover, it was Labour Day. There were a number of visitors throughout the day but the day was mostly relaxed and easy going. Rita stopped by for a brief visit and Ludmila and Dima spent the day to do a variety of chores around the monastery grounds and then in the evening, we met in the kitchen, with Andy, where we had tea. Ludmila made a dish for tea time which was both pleasing to the eye, healthy for the body, and tasty to the palate, causing the taste buds to stand at attention. At first, I thought she was making cornbread because the fixings looked yellowish and crumbly. Then it looked like she was making a pizza because she rolled out the fixings which proved to be dough which was sprinkled with shredded garlic, greens, chopped vegetarian/imitation, chicken, onions and sour cream. All this was then rolled up like a carpet, wrapped in foil in order to set for an hour. When the time came for tea, the roll was sliced into portions, set onto plates, sea made and a delicious treat was had by all. We drank tea and talked for some time until time to depart and end the quiet and peaceful holiday celebrtion.

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