A heavy rain during the night has given our plants, shrubs, and trees the moisture that is needed to survive well. I had noticed the price of cherries in the stores [cherries probably from California or elsewhere] and I realized that we had picked hundreds of dollars worth of cherries, our own organic cherries, eaten within hours, if not minutes, after having been picked. I did not feel guilty in the least for having risen late this morning and having done nothing much during the day other than resting. There are days when this is especially needed. We received a number of emails of support for our outreach and educational/missionary endeavours. You will always have negative and nasty comments from trolls, but most people can readily recognize them. In an attempt to photograph our resident heron, I mistakenly pressed on “video” and, as a result, the attempt was not satisfactory. Herons seem to live in pairs but ours is a solitary one, a tall and grand looking bird, majestic as it sits on a willow branch that is partially in the water.