LIFE IS LITURGY. In these difficult days, we all deeply miss coming together for the Divine Liturgy. We find ourselves longing for Holy Communion, and the sweet fellowship of our brothers and sisters. Being sequestered here in the monastery, I can feel the absence of all our congregation which gathers here on Sundays and for the feast days. Having such a wonderful and loving group of people here on Sundays for the liturgy and the agape is one of the great spiritual experiences of my life. Though I can go to the altar and read all the diptychs – memorial books – and commune myself from the reserve gifts, it is no replacement for the fellowship of the brothers and sisters. Yet, for the faithful, life itself is liturgy. Surely each time we pray we are aware that we are not praying alone, but that we are praying together with the brothers and sisters and with those who have departed this life in faith – certainly, together with our beloved Vladika Varlaam intercedes for us at all times. We are not bereft of our Guardian Angel nor are we cut off from fellowship with the heavenly kingdom. Because of today’s circumstances, we cannot even perform the charitable acts which the 25th chapter of Matthew makes an integral part of our lives. Now our loving acts must consist in praying for one another, for our community and for the whole world. Our intercessions are an active liturgy, our thoughts and concern for one another as an extension of our liturgical life.
…… I want to suggest that some of you who long for the human communion that we have in the Divine Liturgy telephone each other and set a specific time to say your prayers, and all of you pray together at exactly that time, and this will be an act of “liturgy” a “sobornost.” At the monastery, we will be beginning the evening prayers at 19:30 – 7:30 PM. I will start to read the diptychs – memorial books – at 8 PM. If anybody is able to join me from their icon corners, begin your prayers at that time and we will all be praying together in a spiritual liturgy and a spiritual fellowship.
Thank you.
God bless you