Today has proved to be more than a full day of activities. There was a funeral for Elena Abramova at the Holy Resurrection Sobor in Vancouver. This was followed by a memorial meal and then the interment at the Orthodox cemetery in Surrey. There were a number of beautiful bouquets of flowers and some of these were given to the monastery to help celebrate the coming feast day of the “Birth of the Theotokos” this coming Monday; what a thoughtful way to have Elena celebrating the feast day with us.The memorial and interment at the cemetery in Surrey was served by Father Michael of Holy Resurrection and the responses were weakly but sincerely offered as heartfelt prayers for our departed sister and friend, Elena. It was encouraging to view the various resting spots of members of our Orthodox communities who have reposed and even in the state of repose, form a family of friends and loved ones who await the resurrection into a life in the Heavenly Kingdom.