Friday, April 12, 2019

The regular cleaning woman was back today after a holiday with her husband in Costa Rica and how good it was to see her. Our cottage was beginning to look like a disaster area. Well, in a couple of hours she had everything in order and looking “spic and span”. She told us how she and her husband were walking at night along a road through the jungle when they were almost attacked by wild animals. Now that is what I would call an adventure. We had the third last Presanctified Liturgy for the year tonight at which quite a few people came. Moreover, they all stayed for a modest lenten supper. It was like having a large and friendly family gathering. Roman was here with his three children who behaved perfectly. When I commented to him how well behaved they are, he replied that it takes a lot of work to raise them to be that way. I suppose that is good advice to all parents.

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