While driving on the monastery road on the curve beyond the cherry trees, there suddenly loomed before us a machine that looked like some military war weapon, which meant that I had to back up all the way to the trees, and I do not like backing up whatsoever. It turned out to be a gigantic wood chipper delivering wood chips that Andy had asked for. I believe that it was the very first time that I had to back up on our road in all the years that we have been here. Visitors from the interior of B.C. arrived to spend the night before proceeding farther. Also we had a pleasant visit from a Toronto resident. The most exciting news, however, is that Archbishop Irinee will be flying in on 13 July to serve here on Sunday 15 July for the ordination of Reader Markel to the diaconate. This does not allow us much time to inform others of this, so please, anyone who reads this diary, be aware of Vladika Irinee’s forthcoming visit and let others known about it as well. Prepare yourselves for this event [and bring plenty of food for the meal!!] A number of people are away on vacation, so let us all turn out for Vladika’s visit.