A strong wind and a heavy downpour at night caused a power outage, but I seem to have slept through it all. I think it was a good sign, or was it, and a sign of what? I am supposed to have a blood test at the end of each month for a whole year and I completely forgot about it until today, so we hurried to Mission where I had the test, which took just a few minutes, and quite a while in waiting for my turn, while Vladika Lazar went for his physiotherapy. It was hot and we both felt tired but it was amazing to return to the monastery to see Andy and the boys chopping wood in the heat of the day with Mother Evstratia helping them. In the cool of the evening I baked a prosphora for Sunday’s Liturgy and I was pleased to see that the crust had not cracked. Although we were given a beautiful and large washer and a dryer, I often revert to my younger days when I had to wash some of my cloths by hand. That is what I did, hanging them to dry outside in the fresh air.

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