We celebrated the feast of Saints Peter and Paul today, a feast that ends the Apostles’ Fast and brings us fully into the summer season. We had a small number of people in attendance for the service but good enough considering that it was a working day. Father Moses and I sang at the kliros, while Father Shio helped Vladika Lazar in the altar. You will forgive me for saying this, but I felt that we sang very well despite the mugginess in the church where even opening the windows and turning on the fan did not help much. The women quickly raided the refrigerator and prepared a meal in minutes while I talked to some people who were here for the first time. It was predictable that the women would leave the kitchen sparkling clean with all the dishes and cutlery put away. Before their arrival, the sink was full of dishes that had accumulated for a couple of days, perhaps because men tend to think that the kitchen fairy will appear at night and clean up any mess lying about.