Daily Diary, 8 May, 2020

This day was definitely a prelude to summer: sunny, warm, and more animals seen on the monastery grounds, which is all the more reason for keeping the doors closed when one enters any of the buildings.

The interesting piece of news for today is that I opened a packet which I had promised not to open until mid-May. On the last day that the public library was open, I was checking out some books when a women we have known for a number of years, approached, handed a packet to me and made me promise to not open it until the proper time. I promised and decided that today was just about the middle of the month.

The big surprise is that the packet contained 3 cook books, all for people who are inexperienced cooks. Now my cooking adventures can go further and maybe meet with a bit more success than they have so far. My favourite is a book for kids which has simple foods that can be created with only a few ingredients and includes things like cinnamon toast, grilled cheese sandwiches, fruit or vegetable smoothies, “cheater pizza” and a whole section on puddings and speedy meals. I’m actually quite excited about it and looking forward to making some new types of dishes. With things like vegetarian hot dogs and vegetarian burgers, there are so many possibilities for experimenting and creating foods for both lenten and non-lenten meals.

As well, I found some more wooden eggs and so am taking the time to paint just a few more eggs though it is not certain when it will be possible to give these to any one.

With the day being warm and sunny, I had a chance to do the laundry and then hang it up on a line which is great because it saves electricity and the clothes also smell so good when they are taken off the line and folded. I do think the dryer requires a lot of power to run so saving energy during this sunny period is an excellent idea.

With that I shall sign off by wishing a warm and sunny paschal greeting, “Christ is Risen!”

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