Daily Diary, 5 April, 2020

What a glorious day today proved to be. The day began with Archbishop Lazar and Fr Moses serving an Obednitsa for the feast day of Saint Mary of Egypt. For those who are not familiar with what is an Obednitsa, to make it simple, just think of a Liturgy served but without any consecration so no Holy Gifts, no partaking of Holy Communion. The antiphons are chanted, the Epistle and Gospel is read. It is a nice service, though shorter than a Liturgy.

Following the Obednitsa, I went out of doors to photograph the new Forsythia which have recently come into bloom. They are a brilliant golden yellow, though with the area being overcast with shadow, the golden colour does not appear quite as strong as when viewing the plants in person. I then walked around the monastery, past the barn and on to the gatehouse where a number of interesting photos were taken of various plants, of interesting rock formations and even some exotic plant roots. It is fun to photograph beautiful objects and especially when it is possible to capture beauty or interesting designs in nature that most people overlook. Through gaining experience it is now clear that a photographer should consider the amount of daylight and how this is going to affect the photographs a person is taking.

Image may contain: plant, tree, flower, house, outdoor and nature

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