Tuesday, January 01, 2019

The first day of 2019 has come and gone, meanwhile, we are not fully recovered after last night’s Moleben for the new year which was celebrated in tranquility and deep serenity. I did not get to bed until about 4:30 in the morning and, in about an hour and a half, I was attacked by intense pain in my feet. Vladika heard me moaning and came to see what had happened, but little could be done. Eventually the pain abated and I managed to sleep for about four hours, but the rest of the day was spent in a zombie like state. How splendid it felt when finally the pain had disappeared. For many of us, old age is a time of dealing with recurring aches and pains. I pray that this new year will bring all of us peace, contentment and, most important of all, love for our neighbour and the unfolding of the path to our salvation.

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