Father Moses accompanied me to the Cancer Clinic Pharmacy at the Abbotsford Hospital where I had to pick up medication to take with me on my next visit to the specialist. There was almost no parking available there, but we did find a spot far from both entrances, so we walked at least as far as the main lobby. Once we reached it, I could no longer proceed as my legs were giving out. Some kind nurses, enjoying their coffee break, came to my rescue and had a wheel chair brought for me. Father Moses enjoyed navigating me along the corridors, although I did have to slow him down a few times. It took only a few minutes to pick up the medication, for I had telephoned earlier so that they could have it ready for me, and we made our return trip along the corridors. I then drove to the main entrance where I picked him and and we were off, this time to the monastery. Meanwhile, Vladika Lazar was having lunch with Bishop Saba before he was taken to the airport to return to New York. It is a night flight, so I do not envy him arriving at about five o’clock in the morning, but he is young enough to endure such an inconvenience. His visit was certainly productive, in that he tonsured Andrei then ordained him subdeacon, and had several occasions to speak to the Georgian community. We consider him to be a friend of this monastery and we hope that he will be able to visit us again in the near future. Andrew Klager and Reader Irinee Jersak came later to talk to Vladika Lazar about a conference they are planning for next spring. I believe that one of the venues will be our monastery.

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