No doubt you have heard the expression “when it rains it pours” and that is exactly what happened today. For the last couple of days almost no one has come to see us, but today the sun appeared and a tidal wave overwhelmed us. For days and weeks we have been calling Shaw and Telus and each time there was some complication,so today they both appeared at the same time, one to repair our land line and the other to bring internet into the cottage. Each had three special trucks and vans when, all of a sudden the gravel truck appeared with a load of gravel to be dumped outside the cottage. As some of you know, there is little space for manouvering here, which caused some confusion. At the same time a number of people arrived bearing gifts—food, preserves, plates, cups, utensils for the Agape meals. The kids also showed up to set up the computers in the cottage which was a task in itself. It is evening now and all is calm. Svetlana telephoned from Volgograd and she sent her greetings to everyone, while Christian sent greetings from Germany and to inform us of his impending pilgrimage to Mount Athos.