Vladika Lazar had his operation today and, although I have not been able to speak to him. he apparently has done well and is now recuperating. I would like to ask people to wait a little so that he can feel better before rushing to visit him. We all realize that such visits can be tiring. Many thanks for all the prayers offered and the concern and love people have shown. We had the second day of the reading of the Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete and I was so tired that I almost fell asleep, so that when the service ended, I was almost unsure of what had happened. In the morning I checked the weather report for our area and it warned us of snow, rain, ice, and a temperature of below twenty degrees Celsius. That was enough to frighten me so I rushed downtown to buy supplies enough for us to last a power outage or anything else that could happen. Upon returning home, I checked the weather report on my phone and it gave an entirely different picture.

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