The day got off to a good start with Zhenya and her two boys coming to clean our rugs with a steam cleaner and Michael with his son who worked outside doing various chores that we cannot cope with. Many thanks to all of them for their enthusiasm. Father Michael phoned to tell us of the arrival this Friday of Archimandrite Sevastian who is visiting Canada from Ukraine. He will be a visitor here for a couple of weeks and so we hurried to prepare a room for him where he should be comfortable. It will be interesting for all of us to have such a visitor. On the way back from Abbotsford where I had to pick up some medication, the Jeep began to act strangely and we struggled slowly to reach Mission where we left if to be examined. Meanwhile, Davie gave us another vehicle to use while the Jeep is in for repairs. And, while we were absent, Valentina and Virgil dropped by with lenten sushi from their favourite Japanese restaurant, complete with chopsticks, which I like using.