This day has been rather long but interesting and worth noting in the diary. This being a Sunday, the day began with Matins, which I understand was well attended and had an abundant supply of readers for the service. It is also of interest to note that our little corps of readers have taken to the learning the proper orders of Vespers and Matins and the chants that accompany these services, with relish. As a result of this enthusiasm for the services, there is a pool of readers to ensure that the main services flow smoothly and in good order. This is a great help to those serving in the altar because the one serving has to concentrate on the prayers and if he also has to be the chanter and singers, it is more than difficult; hopefully the readers appreciate how helpful their assistance is to the services.The Liturgy was again served outside at the little chapel, with a noticeable number of new people attending. There were about 50 present. There was a memorial following the Liturgy, for the newly reposed Elena, as well as for Vladika Varlaam and the third name I did not hear. Any way, this memorial went also very well and was followed by a brief time for those attending to socialize before adjourning to their homes. I noticed that the roof has now been added to the Georgian construction, near the memorial garden. Those working on the construction are doing an excellent job and it should be quite attractive when completed. Most people at the monastery probably noticed the still smoky air. One well informed person explained to me that this smoky fog has been created by large fires along the California, Oregon and Washington coasts. These fires were caused by careless use of fireworks at several California celebrations. Hopefully these fires will be extinguished soon.