Some heat had been left on in the church, so that when we arrived in the morning it was not freezing as it had been on other occasions. After the Agape meal, we served an akathist to the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon in Slavonic at which a good number of people came to participate by taking turns in reading in front of the relics of Saint Panteleimon. Some of the men spent considerable time in discussing future remodelling in the main building. I was particularly pleased with that, as the main building is not exactly new and it must be kept in good shape and, moreover, the enthusiasm it generated was most welcome. This is great news for the monastery, as we can feel confident that it will be looked after when we depart this life. It was odd that when I described how someone at a reception had knocked my plate, filled with food, out of my hands with everything flying onto the floor and, in showing how it was done, I knocked over my cup of coffee which then spilled in all directions.