I often begin a daily entry with the words “What a surprise it was……” but last night’s was one even better than that, such as “What a shock it was……” because it really was a shock. Half way through the shower the water suddenly turned ice cold just when the hair and beard were all lathered up. There was no time to think about what to do other than to rinse the shampoo out of the hair and keep the teeth from chattering. Today, after the service and during the meal, I must have been given a dozen pieces of advice and the one that seemed to be the most sensible was to call the plumber. Perhaps I should let someone else try taking a shower to see if they get the same reception. How about giving a command in Bulgarian? There have been so many smiles in the photos people have sent us that Vladika Lazar ventured to say that Nicole’s teeth outshone everyone else’s. I suppose it is time to get back to reality. Today’s Liturgy was in Church Slavonic and I could hear Sorin bravely singing in this unfamiliar language and doing it so well; if he can do it rather than in his familiar Romanian, then others should be able to do it as well.