I awoke late in the night and I could hear the rain, a soft and gentle rain. By the time I went to church, it had stopped, leaving the air fresh with a strong hint of spring fragrance. Just as we had expected, many people were away on this long holiday weekend, but we expect many more next Sunday it being the feast of Holy Pentecost. Later in the afternoon, a Ukrainian Catholic man dropped in and he had to inform us that they had celebrated Pentecost today. Father Moses, who is usually restrained and cautious, could not refrain from telling him that our Pentecost next week is the true one. It is curious how patient he can be, but when it comes to the Faith and to iconography, especially, Father Moses does not hesitate to speak out. Before sunset we went for a drive and noticed how the water in the rivers is rising, in fact, some areas are already partially flooded, but the monastery should not have to worry about flooding. Our “bookworms” spent hours yesterday and today, working in the library to bring about some order, for which I am grateful. Before long the library should be a place where material can be found easily, rather than hunting everywhere for what is needed.