We were excited to see Vladika Lazar walk into the church during the Divine Liturgy, at the end of which he gave a short sermon and blessed the Holy Well and the addition to it that is almost finished. We also served a memorial litany today for all the departed rather than on Tuesday when it is usually appointed, as few people would be able to come on that day. Baby Taisia, who will be baptized next Sunday, was so well behaved during the Liturgy and at the Agape meal Vladika held her for a while. As most of the computers and the printer had already been moved to the cottage, Vladika still needed the large wall monitor which proved to be a problem because of its weight and having to be mounted on a wall. Andy came to the rescue and did a splendid job of mounting it. Even though this happened about two hours ago, Vladika has begun posting videos of sermons that were filmed during his stay in the hospital.