Today there was a combined service for the feast of the Annunciaton and for Holy Saturday. Father Alexey served the lengthy service after which there was a rush to clean up the church, hall and kitchen for the great feast itself. We were amazed to see a donation of one hundred sturdy and attractive folding chairs for the hall and dining room, given by a pious family. It is almost time to go to church now and I might just add that Vladika Lazar was informed a while ago they he will be discharged tomorrow morning, so it will be a joyous Pascha for him and for all of us.

One thought to “SATURDAY 7 APRIL 2018”

  1. I wish I could have been been with you all, instead of being laid up with a disabled shoulder! Please pray for me. this is the first Pascha I’ve missed!

    Rdr. James Morgan
    Olympia,WA USA

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