What a sudden change we experienced in the weather, for today the wind was brisk with light rain falling throughout much of the day. It definitely did not feel like spring, even though more and more flowers and shrubs have burst into bloom. Still, we have been promised more sun and warm weather next week. We had a lovely baptism this afternoon. Both Vladika and I were prepared to participate in the baptism of Father Alexey’s nephew, five month old Andrey, but feeling sorry for our physical conditions, Father Alexey offered to serve alone which he then did. The child scarcely cried and, for a change, this was a baby with an abundance of hair to cut in the tonsure. It does happen that some babies have no hair to cut and one simply goes through the motion of tonsuring. Andrew brought Gerasimos to work on our reports that we have to submit annually to the provincial and federal governments and we truly appreciate the help that Gerasimos has given us over the years.