After all that had taken place yesterday, today we quiet by comparison. Andy came with his two dogs named Five and Nine, large and beautiful animals, always ready for a treat such as a doggie biscuit. I took a short walk to look at the berry bushes and was horrified to see how the obnoxious wild morning glory weed had covered and almost choked a berry bush, so I took out my little Swiss pocket knife and cut away all the vines. This weed is almost impossible to destroy, so it is understandable why, in some parts of Britain, it is called the”devil’s guts.” Years ago I took a simple Syrian Church melody and used it for an English version of “Our Father.” It has always been popular and, recently, I was asked to prepare the same using a Church Slavonic text. The working version was fairly good, but it needs some reworking and, once it has been polished, Father Moses and I will sing it together a number of times before approving it for general use.