Friday, February 8, 2019

The snow that was promised did not appear, so it made it that much easier to drive to Maple Ridge where we had accepted an invitation for lunch. This city, once having had a rural feeling, is now series upon series of townhouses bought by those escaping the monumental housing prices in Vancouver. On the other hand, there is a continuous stream of Orthodox Christians living much closer to our monastery. Together with Father Michael from the Holy Resurrection Sobor in Vancouver, we had lunch at the home of Vladimir and Inna. After the meal we went to see their little prayer corner which, in fact, is a whole room filled with icons, more than in any other home I have ever visited. It was all most pleasant, only made rather difficult by the pain in by unforgiving hip. Still, the pain was nonexistent when driving the Jeep, which I liken to a faithful steed.

Image may contain: 2 people, beard and indoor

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