Happy New Year!! In case you are wondering was is meant by this, we must not forget that our Orthodox Church year begins on the first day of September, which is today, on the Julian Calendar, as it is indicated in many of the services for this day. Apparently this is why children return to school at the beginning of September, precisely because it is the beginning of a new year. Much has happened in the last couple of days. Last night there was a Narcotics Anonymous meeting held here at the monastery. Vladika Lazar has always been concerned about the plight of those suffering from addictions and our monastery has extended help to many people. Today, on the other hand, we have been helped by several people who brought us groceries and two propane stoves, one a camp stove and the other a full sized one to be used whenever we might have a power failure. This came about thanks to the daily diary which many people seem to read. I understand that some read it once a week or so, while others, [like those in Florida] claim that they read it every day.
Yes. I do read it every day. Giving me a strong sense of my bond with all of u there.